Marjan Tile Co formed from two base market 1- Market Research 2- new products design. Market research task investigating the interests of the people and the market needs in the field of tile with a series of questionnaires to both cyclical and its case After the announcement of the Group market research, NPD department is responsible for the design and production based on the result.
The problem was that two of the Marjan tile company NPD and MR were not together in perfect relationship And information from different parts factory such as research marketing, designing, laboratory and product line Together not to be shared Which causes problems in production planning and scheduling marketing was Tiles Finally, the company had suffered financial loss.
Description of Activity:
After examining the problems that both NPD and MR features create and interact with all the different stages of the project are to be shared. MR ability to produce dynamically questionnaires for market research on the Marjan tiles there was a series of questionnaires previously manual process of change that it was difficult and time-consuming. MR assistance activities faster, easier, less expensive and is scheduled to go.
The NPD processes in relevant departments placed Portal and management can also be monitored on all sectors. R & D class also define that makes this software different from the software product . R&D class shown that each Multi-day project, each phase is the percentage progress and what activities will be done again this dynamic works.
Result: The whole process of Marjan tiles were designed by software provided us dynamically changed. No need support so that there is the possibility of change in all parts also associated with financial software code was prepared by Marjan Tile Co.
- The benefits of this software is that it is not only related to the manufacturing process and also used for other products.